Why and how we engage

Early community involvement at the planning stage of any new development is critical to its ultimate success.

The benefit is three-fold. We gain a better understanding of community perspectives, values and aspirations and by listening, we are able to manage expectations and identify potential community benefits.

Engagement with stakeholders and the community is defined and governed by five principles.




Genuine - Icon of a hand on a heart

We proactively engage before critical development decisions are made.


Inclusive - Icon of a hand holding multiple people

We seek the voice of all the community by listening to as many people as possible.


Responsive - Icon of people communicating with each other

We do what we say we are going to do.


Genuine - Icon of a hand on a heart

We recognise the places we work in have a history and a community with a strong connection to the place they live and work in.


Improve - Icon of a head with a lightning bolt

We know there is always more to learn and ways we can improve.

Managing community engagement across the project lifecycle

We are committed to creating a culture of improvement and evaluation so we can continue to raise our standards in a never-ending quest to create innovative, liveable communities across the State.

Our approach is preventative rather than reactionary.

This supports alignment with a broader, organisation-wide risk management strategy with community engagement and operations management early in the land development lifecycle.

Each project is unique with its own planning, environmental and other approval requirements.

Each community is also different so we work closely with individual communities to reflect their specific needs and aspirations.

Our robust and scalable framework for managing the engagement of community stakeholders has been based upon the core values and ethics of the International Association of Public Participation (IAP2).

This risk-based framework provides guidelines for designing stakeholder and community engagement. It is not prescriptive and adopts guiding principles to help project teams prepare customised stakeholder project plans.

Stakeholder relationships

We take relationship building seriously. We understand and recognise the importance of maintaining strong healthy relationships with corporate stakeholders and the communities in which we operate.

Relationship management can be formal and informal. Our corporate Stakeholder Engagement Plans provide a systematic and interactive approach and aim to build goodwill and promote a culture of collaboration. This approach means we can work any issues out before they escalate, avoiding any unforeseen concerns arising down the track.

Stakeholder groups

  • Minister and Cabinet
  • Government agencies (Federal, State, Local)
  • Industry
  • Community
  • Customers
  • Suppliers / contractors / consultants

Case Studies